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what is automated watering and how it helps us in gardening ?
when we are not able to water the plant regularly due to many reasons we may not get the desired output. just to avoid the manual excuses the automated watering system is used. if we started using it our plants are more happy.
When we want to have a systematic watering for the plants its better to go for automated watering. normally the water requirement is different for each plants. in our garden we use to keep many type of plants which requires different qty. of water. for such a need we can group the plants on the basis of water requirement and an automated system can take care of the qty of water throughout their life time.
Its not only helpful for watering we can use it for nutrients in the form of organic or inorganic.
Irrespective of the users excuses the plants will get perfect watering at the required time. since its automated the wastage of water is also minimized.